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Our Commitment to Inclusion

Dear Gilda’s Club Community,

At Gilda’s Club Middle Tennessee, we are a welcoming and inclusive community for individuals with cancer and their families. We are a community where people impacted by cancer face it together. We believe each person is the expert of his or her own experience, and in an atmosphere of shared experience and support, community grows. We value mutual respect, showing up for each other and leaning in when it is difficult. The power of mutual support cannot be underestimated, and it is the foundation of our mission.

We are heartbroken and saddened at recent events that have ripped open the wounds of racism and injustice in our country. We commit to turning our collective pain into actions that will, in some small way, ensure that Gilda’s Club Middle Tennessee better serves and reflects our community. We commit to asking ourselves the hard questions and working towards becoming a more diverse and inclusive community, so that the voices of protesters across this nation will have been heard.


Harriet Schiftan.
President and CEO

Jim Corum

Chairman of the Board